Death Is Separation From That Which Lives

Where Are the Dead?

In every aspect of this separation, it is sin that causes the death. There is no real life (i.e. God’s Life) in sin, and therefore, sin is death (Romans 6:23). We Christians know that life comes from God. Therefore, true life requires God – our repentance from sin and our burying that sin in baptism from which we rise to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:1-6)!

It is fair to say that unless Christ returns first, we will all die (Hebrews 9:27; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Only two in all of Holy Writ escaped physical death: Enoch (Genesis 5:22-24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11). It is equally fair to say that unless the soul possesses the life of Christ (Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:1-4) when it departs from this tabernacle called a body, that soul will not live eternally with God! Thus, realizing the certainty of physical death, it is imperative we realize the certainty of spiritual life (Romans 8:6).

The above post is an excerpt from the book, Where Are The Dead? by Michael J. Davis. Follow the link to learn more about the book and purchase your copy today!

Who Are to Be Baptized?

The Great Commission of Jesus Christ

Evidently not the nations as such, but the disciples. The word nations (ethnee), in the Greek, is in the neuter gender, and the pronoun them (autous) is in the masculine. And hence the pronoun represents by syllepsis only those who, through the instructions of the Apostles and their coadjutors, become disciples of Christ. Besides, it is evident from the terms of the Commission, that the work of making disciples is prior, in point of time, to that of baptizing.12 Christ says, Go and first make disciples; secondly, baptize them; and, thirdly, teach, them to observe all things whatever I have commanded. But to make disciples of all persons in any and every nation is practically impossible. Some persons, as infants and idiots, have not the capacity that is necessary in order to become disciples; and others have not the will or the disposition to come to Christ, and to submit to His authority. “Ye will not,” says Jesus, “come to me that ye may have life.”

And hence we never read of the Apostles baptizing any but penitent believers; men and women who realized and acknowledged that they were sinners; and who trusted in Christ as the Son of God and Saviour of sinners.

The above post is an excerpt from the book, The Great Commission of Jesus Christ to His Twelve Apostles by Robert Milligan. Follow the link to learn more about the book and purchase your copy today!

An Awful Thing to Reject

The Great Commission of Jesus Christ

It is an awful thing, then, for a poor, helpless, perishing sinner to reject, even for a day or an hour, the overtures of Him who has all authority in heaven and on earth, and who will certainly judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom, when He “shall come in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel; who shall be punished with an everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power, when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all them that believe” (2 Thess. 1:7-10). Haste, then—

“Haste, O sinner, to be wise
Stay not for the morrow’s sun;
Wisdom warns thee from the skies,
All the paths of death to shun.”

The above post is an excerpt from the book, The Great Commission of Jesus Christ to His Twelve Apostles by Robert Milligan. Follow the link to learn more about the book and purchase your copy today!

God’s Way or Our Way

The True Church of the Bible

Most of us deplore division in the church. We plead for unity based on the Bible, but in practice a lot of us insist on unity based on our personal whims. Although we dare not compromise principles of right for any purpose, we must be willing to compromise in the realm of human judgment. Many congregations that have been ripped apart with bitterness and turmoil could have remained united if certain people had swallowed their pride, shown willingness to admit wrong, extended forgiveness, learned to keep their mouths shut, tended to their own affairs, shown brotherly love, exercised patience, and talked about staying together instead of “starting a new work” (a pretense for leaving). God’s word teaches that unity is desirable, and it reveals how such unity can be attained.

Through the ages many have caused divisions and hindrances by teaching what is contrary to the doctrine of Christ (Romans 16:17). As David Lipscomb well expressed it, “All human teachings, inventions, and institutions are occasions of discord, stumbling, and division … The hearts of those who add human inventions are not right in the sight of God” (Commentary on Ephesians 4:3).

Each Christian can make his contribution to the unity of the church by walking according to God’s pattern, teaching others to walk by the divine rule, rejecting everything contrary to the Scriptures, maintaining the right attitude, and humbly endeavoring to promote and preserve the unity of the Spirit. It all boils down to whether we have the resolve to do it God’s way, or demand “our” way. What are you doing to maintain unity in this church? What more can you do?

The above post is an excerpt from the book, The True Church of the Bible: Examining the Error of Denominationalism by Carey W. Scott. Follow the link to learn more about the book and purchase your copy today!

“One Church Is Just As Good As Another”

The True Church of the Bible

The predominant theme in the denominational world is that one church is just as good as another. That way they can pretend to be accepting of those with differences even though they would not teach or do those same things. Because so many people believe this, churches are built in such a way as to attract people with the amenities they offer. These amenities are not a reflection of what God wants in His church, but rather of what men desire. And the various churches seek to out-do one another, adding more programs and perks than their neighbors. Often, advertisements for churches fail to mention any kind of spiritual message at all, and are consumed with the various physical functions that are available. Sports teams, drama presentations, musical concerts, and the like are the new normal for these churches. Actually, Bible study is a rarity.

The above post is an excerpt from the book, The True Church of the Bible: Examining the Error of Denominationalism by Carey W. Scott. Follow the link to learn more about the book and purchase your copy today!