NEW RELEASE: The Real Pharisees

We would like to announce our newest title – The Real Pharisees by Andy Sochor – is now available.

The Real Pharisees (cover)It is common to hear the label of “Pharisee” used in a derogatory way against those who emphasize Bible authority, encourage careful obedience to the Lord’s instructions, and refuse to extend fellowship beyond the Scriptural limits. According to the common usage of the word, the term Pharisee is synonymous with legalist. This is the concept that many people have in mind when they use this label.

However, before we draw parallels between people today and the Pharisees in Jesus’ day, we need to understand the reasons why the Pharisees were wrong. By doing this, we can see who the real Pharisees are today. They are probably not who we would expect.

This book examines the Pharisees of Jesus’ day to see why they were wrong and how we can avoid being like them today.

Read more about the book and purchase your copy today!

If you would like to place a bulk order, please contact us.

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