Daily Notes & Observations: “They Prophesy for Money” (Excerpt)

July 14

They Prophesy for Money

Daily Notes & ObservationsAfter condemning the rulers for oppressive taxation of the people (Micah 3:1-3), the Lord addressed the prophets who had the same “love of money” (cf. 1 Timothy 6:10) as the rulers. Money, rather than simply proclaiming the word of God, was the primary motivation for these prophets.

Her leaders pronounce judgment for a bribe, her priests instruct for a price and her prophets divine for money. Yet they lean on the Lord saying, ‘Is not the Lord in our midst? Calamity will not come upon us’” (Micah 3:11).

Since their motivation was money and not truth (their claim that the Lord was with them and would protect them was false), these prophets adjusted their message depending on whether or not their audience would support them.

Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets who lead my people astray; when they have something to bite with their teeth, they cry, ‘Peace,’ but against him who puts nothing in their mouths they declare holy war” (Micah 3:5).

For those who were willing and able to pay them, these prophets delivered a message that would be pleasing to them. But for those who did not support them, they responded with condemnation.

In every generation throughout the history of man, there have been people who were motivated primarily by money and were willing to compromise principles in order to gain wealth. The prophets were guilty of this in Micah’s day. Preachers can easily be guilty of this today — preaching a message that will be well-received by those who currently or could potentially support them. If a particular topic is controversial or not popular among their supporters, they simply ignore that topic — a blatant violation of their responsibility to preach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27).

Preachers must be more concerned with truth than with their support (or lack thereof) for preaching the truth. Paul told Timothy to “preach the word… in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2). Even when brethren would not like it and would “accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2 Timothy 4:3), Timothy was not to compromise. “But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:5).

Let us all, whether preachers or not, value the truth over every earthly thing.

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